Fotoshooting Chiara #2
When the world is breaking down around you taking everything that you know. What you didn't know
Is that we can go forever. If we want to we can live inside of a moment
The one that we own

We are, we are, we're gonna be alright. We got, we got, we always got the fight in us
And we are, we are, we're gonna live tonight. Like there's no tomorrow cause we're the afterlife
And we are, we are, we're gonna live tonight. Like there's no tomorrow cause we're the afterlife

Living like you're dying isn't living at all
Gimme your cold hands. Put 'em on my heart,
Raise a glass to everyone who thinks they'll never make it through this life.
To live a brand new start.
Gimme your cold hands. Put 'em on my heart,
Raise a glass to everyone who thinks they'll never make it through this life.
To live a brand new start.

Der Text ist übrigens aus dem Lied Afterlife von Ingrid Michaelson (klick). Läuft bei mir schon seit paar Wochen als totaler Favorit hoch und runter..
3 Kommentare:
Danke für deinen lieben Kommentar<3
Ich habe einen Canon EOS 700D.
Die Bilder sind alle total schön!
Kompliment! :)
Liebste Grüße,
Richtig schöne Fotos!
Gefallen mir super gut <3
Liebe Grüße
richtig schöne bilder! :)
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